Territory Expansion Strategy for Generator Supercenter

Connecting with your local community quickly is crucial for networking with local influencers who can boost your business via word-of-mouth. One of your initial actions should be to engage with the local chamber of commerce. These groups often organize events like Location Openings, Happy Hours, and Galas, which are excellent opportunities to attract visitors to your business.

While not the only item for success, this step of connecting with Chamber members and the local business community will lay a strong foundation for building relationships that can lead to long-term success.

Pre-launch Teasers:

  • Digital Sneak Peeks: High-quality photos and video tours of the new store will be shared, showcasing the product lines and special features, with brief interviews with team members for a personal connection. Renderings, and in progress photos.
  • Social Media Countdown: A strategic mix of organic posts and targeted paid ads will be used for a countdown to the celebration, peppered with ‘Did You Know?’ facts about Generac generators to engage and educate the target audience.
  • Email Campaign: A targeted email campaign targeted to local residents and businesses will offer exclusive sneak peeks or promotions to spark interest and collect RSVPs.*

New Location Launch Event:

  • Invitations: A wide dissemination of both digital and print invitations will ensure broad reach, with QR codes for easy access to event details and efficient RSVP tracking.
  • Product Demonstrations: Demonstrations will highlight the diverse real-life applications of Generac generators, including showcasing the noise reduction technology in a “silent booth” for an effective demonstration.
    • For additional ideas for your region, please reach out to your regional rep.
  • Exclusive Offers: Launch-exclusive discounts or financing options will be offered, compelling enough for immediate sign-ups or purchases, supplemented with a prize draw or door prize featuring a Generac product to boost participation.
    • Add value to the attendance and promote the offer with media partners. 
  • Local Dignitaries: The involvement of local officials in a ribbon-cutting ceremony will honor the occasion and potentially draw media coverage, with support from the Chamber of Commerce.


  • Press Release: A compelling press release will be circulated to local media, with consideration for a special pre-opening media event for exclusive coverage.
  • Radio and Video/TV Spots: Short, engaging ads will run leading up to the launch, with a clear and compelling call to action.

Post-launch Engagement:

  • Feedback Collection: Attendees can leave feedback at designated stations or via QR codes linking to an online form, ensuring a direct line for insights.
  • Social Media Engagement: A dedicated team will interact actively with social media posts about the event, encouraging the use of a special event hashtag.
  • ‘Thank You’ Communications: Personalized notes of appreciation will be sent to attendees, potentially including exclusive offers for their next visit.

Additional Strategies:

  • Community Collaboration: Partnership with local businesses for catering or entertainment will enhance the community vibes and partnership ethos.
  • Follow-up Campaign: A post-event campaign will reach attendees and no-shows alike with special offers to encourage store visits.
  • Monitoring and Adjustment: Sales and foot traffic will be closely monitored against forecasts to gauge the event’s impact and guide future marketing endeavors.

Product Demonstration Strategy:

  • Diverse Showcase Settings: A mix of on-site presentations, virtual tours, and appearances at home shows or trade fairs will broaden reach and cater to varied audience preferences.
  • Organic Meets Digital: A balanced strategy integrating organic, in-person marketing efforts with digital showcases will enrich the customer experience.
  • Encouragement for Franchisees: Franchisees are urged to embrace these versatile demonstration methods, ensuring they meet and surpass the $25k opening plan investment requirement.

* Email Marketing Strategy:

The targeted 5,000 email subscribers are expected to be derived from a carefully cultivated list of potential and past customers, local businesses, and community members, garnered through prior marketing efforts, store visits, participation in local events, or collaboration with local businesses and the Chamber of Commerce, adhering to GDPR and similar regulations for consent-based engagement.

If a prospect list is unavailable, we encourage you to explore email promotion packages, or newsletter sponsorships with the chamber of commerce and other local influencers.